Saturday, April 12, 2014

"He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal."

“Get out!” Jones hit the brakes. “Now!”

The car rolled while they bolted out. Jones stepped on the gas and the doors slammed. The flashing lights were at his tail moments after he had turned back on the road. Fear dug its claws into his spine. “Escape or die.” He had no other choice. He skidded through a curve, and a loud thud came from the trunk. Boss left the bag in the hurry. The bag filled with 500k.

Epiphany. The stress turned to focus; he knew exactly what to do next.

“Lord show me mercy...”

His lead grew. The cops disappeared behind him, and he turned down the dead end road.

“Save me Lord...”

The last straight rolled out before him and he floored it. The warning signs flashed by. Acid burnt his throat. The car left the stumped bridge and flew through the air. He held the wheel with stern arms, and braced for impact.

The car hit the dark water, and the airbag smacked him. Dazed he forced himself to remove the seat belt. The car front sank fast, and he went to the back. He took slow deep breaths, folded the seat and reached into the trunk. He grabbed the bag, and then he kicked out the window.

Three more deep breaths, then he left the car and struggled through the dark water. Light flashed over his head. The cops stood by the bridge. He dived and kicked his way further down the river. Quick grasps for air, more kicking, the sound of the sirens faded.

His muscles ached as he pulled himself up into the factory’s wastewater outlet. The bag dripped dirty water, but he still had it. If he managed to hide, they would assume he was dead, the cops as well as Boss.

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